How to Sell Comics Online
The following five tips will help you make the most of your comic book collection when you’ve decided to sell.
#1 – Know What You Have
When you know what you have, you won’t get taken advantage of when you shop your old comics around to buyers. Depending on the size of your collection, this might take some time, but it’s worth it in the end. This step involves some sorting and organizing and then a little bit of online research.
First, you’ll want to sort your comics by title. In other words, you may have Batman, Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Star Wars piles. Be sure that you’re sorting by title; Marvel and DC Comics are not titles, they’re publishers. After you have your different piles, you’ll want to organize each pile chronologically by the issue number (this is going to help a lot when you are researching values).
Now, you have to be aware of the condition, or grade, of your books as you do some online research in pricing guides to determine their value. Be aware that finding a comic book in mint condition is a pretty rare find. More common you’ll see comics between Good & Very Fine. As you look at your comic books and those online, you’ll get a good idea of what each condition looks like, and what the approximate value of your book is.
Besides pricing guides, you may want to look at online auctions to get an idea of the value as well. They are often more up-to-date than pricing guides.
#2 – Decide How You Want to Sell
Now you need to decide just how you are going to sell your collection. Are you looking to sell it all together, in smaller groups, or one at a time? You may want to sell some of your more valuable books as one group, while you sell the rest as another group.
#3 – Decide Where to Sell your Comic Books
This step involves finding a reputable buyer. Businesses and individuals who buy comic books in person or online are not always in it for the love of the comics, they are in it to underpay sellers and make more profit for themselves – they especially like those sellers who aren’t aware of the value of their collections.
#4 – Be Realistic about Selling your Collection
The simple fact is, most comic books are not going to sell for enough that you can buy a new car. While there certainly are some that are extremely valuable, most are only going to be worth a few dollars. Usually, the biggest factor in the valuation of comic books is era. So, a comic from the 1940s is usually worth more than one from the 1970s because there are fewer of them around. However, comics from the 1970s & earlier are most often the era that can have some value.
#5 – Sell Comics Online with Dylan Universe Comics
At Dylan Universe Comics, we’re a father and son team that buys old comics by mail from around the country. We have extensive knowledge of all types of comic books from every era, and always offer the best prices we can to sellers. When you work with us, you can be assured that you will be treated with honesty and without pressure.
Here are three easy steps to selling your comic collection with us:
- Email us with your name, city and state, a list of your old comic books, and any other information you think we need to know. We might ask you to send us pictures of certain books.
- We will make you a competitive offer to buy your old comic book collection. If you like our price – and we think you will – you give us the nod and we’ll send you full payment for the collection via PayPal. (Other payment options are available upon our receiving your collection.)
- After you receive payment, you send us your collection via the USPS (we’ll reimburse you for the shipping), or we’ll send you a pre-addresses FedEx label and you can schedule a pick-up from your home or office.
How to Identify your Comic Collection
Through time, prices on many items have gone up, because of inflation. A gallon of milk was 27 cents in 1950. A gallon of gas was 18 cents in 1940. The cover price (how much it cost back then) can help you estimate the year of the comic, & easily identify if they are old. You don’t even have to open them!
Early 1930s to Early 1960s-10c

Most 1960s-12c

Late 1960s to Early 1970s-15c

Early 1970s-20c
Do your Comics say
25, 30, or 35 cents?

Mid-1970s-25c, 30c, & 35c
Here are some newer comic cover prices:
75 cents, $1.50, $1.95

1980s and Newer, 40c & up