Selling toys can be quite difficult. Check out these 101 tips to sell your toys right now to help you get more profits.

How To Sell Toys [101 ways-Ultimate Guide]

Picture of Dylan Schwartz

Dylan Schwartz

February 18, 2025


A flashback to your childhood and you will get a glimpse of what you were and what you thought you would become, or maybe what you have become! Its feels good to just fall back into those times when you didn’t have to worry about anything and you taught everything didn’t really matter. But what if I said something did, in fact most things did but right now I’m talking a out those little things that you always kept by your side, hidden in closet or stacked under the bed. I’m talking about your toys! not just any toys, your vintage toys! 


It being the major focus of this article, vintage toys have found their way to blossom in this modern times. Just like other collectibles which have stacked up on the values in the marker, the vintage toys have garnared themselves quite the attention over time.


Being mostly and firstly produced in the 80s and 90s, these dolls, action figures and tool toys have had quite the appeal I’m the markets, people rushing to have those long aged and forgotten vintage toys. 


In this article, I intend on helping you scale through the waves of selling your Vintage toy collections or less. Probably your mum never got rid of them, or you weren’t too harsh on them when you had them as a child, now you wanted to make profits of them. My job is to guide you on what you need to know about selling and making good profits of vintage toys.


        #1. Tips On Selling Vintage Toys.
  1. Be willing to sell
  2. Sell everything
  3. Sell the toys you love
  4. Don’t add your own touch
  5. Don’t scam
  6. Use Escrow
  7. Nostalgia of toys
  8. Toys should be left in best Shape
  9. Fix your old toys
  10. Store toys well
  11. Research on toys
  12. Sell older toys
  13. Sell what sells most
  14. Sell from popular makers.
  15. Patience
  16. Sort your toys
  17. Match your toys
  18. Movable toys And parts
  19. Grade them (AFA)
  20. Try getting all the parts before selling
  21. Sell toys in their original boxes
  22. Sell toys with their file cards
  23. Sell toys with blueprints
  24. Sell toy parts
  25. Sell a collective collection together
  26. Use search sites
  27. Sell rare ones alone
  28. Sell a collective collection together
  29. Use pricing guides and books
  30. Place according prices
  31. Sell at flat prices
  32. Promotions
  33. Offer discounts
  34. Compete
  35. Know your buyers
  36. Taste of buyers
  37. Deals to discuss
  38. Meet ups
  39. Handling rude customers
  40. Think twice
  41. Hire an auctioneer
  42. Encourage Buyers
  43. Weight determines shipping prices
  44. Think

        #2. How To Sort Vintage Toys.

 45. Iconic toys

 46. Toys that represents an era

 47. Toys that represents a character

 48. Color wise

 49. Fragility wise

 50. Texture wise

 51. Toy sizes

 52. Toys with parts and equipments

 53. Condition of toys

 54. Originals

      #3. How to Sell Vintage Toys.

 55. Start a business

 56. Start a website

 57. Start a YouTube channel

 58. Advertise your business with hardware

 59. Sell at garage sells

 60. Sell at yard sells

 61. Sell to local collectibles Stores

 62. Sell to toy dealers

 63. Sell to family and friends, and friends of friends

 64. Sell to agents

 65. Sell at kid’s gatherings

 66. Antique roadshow, type venue

 67. Auctions

 68. Sel online to collectibles Stores and toy dealers

 69. Sell on Craigslist

 70. Sell on etsy

 71. Sell on eBay

 72. Sell on Amazon

 73. Sell on Facebook

 74. Sell on Instagram

 75. Sell on other social platforms

 76. Sell on other marketing sites

 77. Online Auctions

 78. Online ads

 79. Bread for butter

      #4. Selling Vintage Toys Online.

 80. Create the theme for your shop

 81. Use best photos

 82. Use best titles

 83. Use best descriptions

 84. Use useful tags

 85. Use Keywords

 86. Personal memory

 87. Check the pricing listings for your toys

 88. Including measurements of your toys

 89. Offer international shipping

 90. Make categories on your shops

 91. Pack well

 92. Ship well

 93. Thank you notes and stickers


        #5. Most Valuable Vintage Toys.

  94. Moon shoes

  95. View master

  96. Toy Story Toys

  97. Jurassic park toys

  98. My little pony toys

  99. Power rangers

100. Polly Pocket

101. Transformers action figures

#1. What To Note Before Selling Vintage Toys.

1. Be willing to sell.

You probably have stacked up over time since your childhood on those mighty vintage toys and collection, and now you are all grown up and don’t feel the urge to play with them, so you want to get them out!


There are many procedures it would take you to Finally establish a well trafficked line of vintage toys but you probably but when starting it all up again, you probably would find yourself getting reattached or drawn in by old memories which might try to stop you from selling your toys.


While going through your toys, you might find yourself being drawn in by these toys or might have already had a strong connection to them. This feelings might put you on the line of changing your mind about selling, and yes it is okay to not want to sell but if you are to make profit of your vintage toys, then you are going to want to reconsider.


If you are truly aiming for selling your vintage toys. You might want to get the thought about keeping them a little longer out and their to look at the bright side of things. You selling your toys is going to help you gain good income to carry out some tasks in life, and also you would be adding to someone’s collection making a line of experience and connection.

2. Sell everything.

Because now you have had a strong connection to your old toys and collections and after debating thoroughly on whether to sell your old toys, you’ve come to the conclusion to sell them, some of them! Just hold up there.


As you should be willing to sell your vintage toys, you should also be willing to sell every little piece out! Unless you have more than one of that piece, then you can make an exception.


Firstly, you should realize that selling off all your vintage toys would serve the purpose of pulling in higher income as some of these toys would be required to be sold in collections and not individually, others might need to be accompanied by their counter parts and equipments in order to have weight in worth, and so holding back on even the slightest of information can do more damage to your sells than you could realize.


Just to recount, you must be willing to sell every single piece of your vintage toys with every single part, card and equipment. Don’t hold back on one of the toys from a collective collection because you love it way too much to lose it, and whatever you do! Don’t hold back on selling your nostalgic toys, you’ll get to understand that when the time reaches.

3. Sell the toys you love.

This advice is comes with its own pros and cons, selling the toys your love or feel more attracted too could help you increase the rate of sales in your markets but could also lead to a devastating down profit as well.


When selling your vintage toys, you might come across a situation where you have no alternative or direction on what to sell or even where to start. Probably nothing is booming currently in the markets or you are just far out of reach on those things, you probably aren’t a pro in these things and are just starting out to surf the waters of selling vintage toys but that okay, we all need to start somewhere to become some thing great.


If you can’t put your finger on what to sell next, try selling the toys you love most, It could be your good luck charm. Let’s say, those ones you find more attractive, do believe me when I say it comes with it pros and cons but all could hope for is that you are in luck.


Luck would be on your side if you find your self be socially inclined, having likes and dislikes most of the majority in masses would click too, you would be able to address your customers with the most of what they would actually want to buy. That’s the pro. The con would be that you’re not the best at choosing the suitable vintage toys that most of the public would connect to, these would leave you at a struggling point to make things work for your business, if you run a business.

4. Don't add your own touch.

You might have got taste that clicks with the masses but you get greedy and want to out match your current sales rate by making your vintage toys more appealing and seductive, chances are, you could end up making more or you could end up destroying everything you wanted.


If you think that customizing your toys to look great of exhibit better features will make your toys stand out more, and maybe you might be right, but when dealing with vintage toys which were made back in the day to suit its era, you probably are just ruining your chances at better income. 


Most of these Vintage Toys are fished out for their looks and taste, the make that only existed back in the 90s and 80s, and so picking them up and making of those vintage toys what you think would make for a better look might only destroy your market.


Mostly if you have already done this, your vintage toys would appeal to only or mostly to the modern ones with more youth on their side, cause they want something fun and intriguing, different from how it happened in the olden times, that would be great if your customer aim is the younger youth. The problem with this customer aim is that although they might rush your goods, your chances of actually selling these toys at the right price for its worth would deplete, you may make sales but these would be for a few dollars as your customers would not be aiming on spenfing thag much on a vintage toy therefore you would have to aim at selling more to male earns meet when you could just sell one and get a dough of cash.


Adults and agents on the other hand who understand the value of your vintage toys would offer a higher chances on buying then for what they are and should be the main audience for your vintage toys.

5. Don't scam.

Don’t customize your toys as that in itself is a bad habit but must importantly, don’t you there scam! Don’t do anything out of focus, anything out of malicious intent, and try to picture it from the buyer’s view of getting scammed by a person they trusted, you don’t want to be in those shoes.


Scamming people is a serious offense that could get you in a lot of trouble but let’s forget about the chances of your face down to the floor with a cop’s foot on you and a gun’s nozzle aimed at the back of your head. 


Scamming buyers don’t help you as much as you may think especially if you run a business of collecting and selling vintage toys, the fact that you business could easily get drawn through the mat stands but you would also loose profitability with a reputation of bad business circulating in the markets. 


I can tell you this for sure, once your name in the markets have been ruined, it is hard to get back on top of your game, especially with the increasing number of people out there also selling vintage toys. Your business would easily get shunned and that might mean end of business.


It is a bad habit, and for most of you who find yourself addicted to scamming, even if it’s just for the fun of it should just quit with it already.

6. Use Escrow.

You don’t want to scam but you also don’t want to get scammed, and you would appreciate a well served and play business dealing where you and your customer get off easily on the right stuff right? Well why not consider using escrow.


There is not mucubti day about this, most of you already know exactly what am talking about here having come across it once or more times in your life. You could see the great impact it places during sales and how it can make for business proceedings to be carried out successfully. 


Well using escrow is a very great step for any kind of business having balanced the base of transaction between two parties and reducing the risk of scam and spams, there other various risk saving process you could use to ensure a smooth business life with customers, and if you are in a situation where you to adopting such a way will suit you better, go ahead! Only you knows what’s best for you.

7. Nostalgia Of Toys.

Every thing made in a company has it’s own individual design or make which helps highlights it’s speciality to it’s consumers. Every single line product have that things that makes it different and standout amongst others in it’s own way and that saying goes the same for your vintage toys.


Vintage Toys maker in the olden days had their opportunities to pop something unseen and heard of before in history and turn the markets in on its creation. They didn’t have to make toys that had the best designs and technology incorporated in them as those times still offered something fresh to anyone, unlikes now where we are used to anything and can say we saw it coming. Back then, all the makers had to do was find something unique that hadn’t been done before and BAM! It was a big hit in the markets. 


These unique designs although placed on modern toys would be a knock off offers the most of nostalgia in vintage toys. You should understand what I mean. It is like stepping into a store and taking a long walk down each section browsing until you freeze automatically in your paths gushing at that one product that caught your eyes.


Vintage Toys with high levels of nostalgic energy tend to pull in the traffic as so little of everybody can resist a good look. There might posses things about them that is strange in a good way, or have that characteristics that you would not find any where else, are extremely beautiful and well designed, or offer a complete new experience in the arts of playing with toys and display. 


These are the toys that will do you good in pulling in profits and should be considered mostly.

8. Toys Should Be Left In Best Shape.

Keep your toys in good shape, it stands out to explain itself perfectly, toys it best positions offer best results.


Have you ever heard of the saying that condition of a product equals to income of a products? And if you haven’t, then you surely have experienced from either sides of the table during the process of buying and selling things, you might have experienced a situation where the condition of a product affects it’s price. Well that’s right! Cause it does.


If you have a bunch of vintage toys you are most certain will pull in profits, your chances of actually selling these toys at good prices would mostly depend on its characteristics, and one of the major effects is condition.


However you choose to do it, keep them in good conditions, you don’t want to be turning in lower income on these vintage toys which by the way are very valuable in the present society  than other sellers in your league are, that would be down right disgraceful.

9. Fix Your Vintage Toys.

So I know I said the condition of a toy affects its worth, and I won’t lie to make you feel any better, It does! But that doesn’t mean that a not so great vintage toy wouldn’t surpass its expectations and make for a goof sale, don’t misunderstand me. A vintage toy that has a lot of high praises and in search demand in the markets would totally do well in the sales and should not be shunned, that’s wwhy you should fix your vintage toys!


As long as its vintage, it carries more weight in price than other toys. I would not advice you to go fix your modern toys unless you aim at playing with them, but for profit, that would be a bad idea. 


Just because it had its leg torn out, or forget that! Just because the toy came in one piece about ten years ago and now lay in seven doesn’t make it completely useless. If you noticed, most of these vintage toys have screws and nuts, majority of them carry this rudder band to hold parts together.


Things weaken over time and when these nuts do, the screws rust and rubber wear out, I can assure you that the head is going to pop right off, the leg will kiss the hands and the hands will make up with it’s toes. Still that doesn’t make them useless, all they need is a good fix.


But before you mess things up, I would advice letting a professional handle that, cause believe it or not, there is a professional for everything these days!

10. Store Toys Well.

So you know your toys condition affects worth and you know that even old broken vintage toys can be easily fixed and run up for best prices. Now if you didn’t need to fix them or already have, you want to store them in the best possible situation.


Most people just toss the mess into a box and beat their soles its over. That seems like the first things that would come to mind as a safe way to save your vintage toys but it could prove to utterly be the worst. 


Toys come in various shapes and sizes. They are big, soft, thick, furry, heavy, light, fragile and so much more so when you stuff all of these in one big bad box, what are you aiming for as the outcome? 


These toys should be stored in positions and places that fit them well, these concerning time, temperature, moist in the air and exposure. Not every vintage toy would react the same to a constant way of storage.


If moist is a lot in the air that leads to rusting of the screws, which in turn wear out and then leave the toys in pieces, that then involves fixing with eats money and doing that on a constant means you would have spent way to much maintaining your vintage toys. Just try as much as possible to provide for these toys the best storage conditions possible.

11. Research On Your Toys.

You know you are going to be dealing with a lot of toys which meaning finding a way to seduce your customers into buying them but how would you proceed with anything if you don’t have a single clue on what they are and what they worth?


First each vintage toy has its own price in the markets with differ crazily from the others, and each as its own story to tell of how it was made, marketed and had  it’s stamp in the markets. If you aren’t knowledgable about this things, how would you know when to move and stop?


Each toy you possess should have gone through thorough investigation and research on every single detail there is to know about that toy, from the makes and makers down to the prices and value. 


If you acquire this information, trust me that when selling to customers, it would be like an automated sequence of what to say, when and how. The right words sell and you are going to want to know how to use them.

12. Sell older toys.

If you are looking on making the most profits out of selling vintage toys, then you should aim for the skies aiming for the past, if that made any sense. 


People who are in search of these toys with specific purposes far from domestic use like agents and collectors, try to get their hands on the best vintage toys that were made far back in the day when your grand parents were trying to fish out a date. 


These toys have the highest  value amongst all other toys as they represent and era or a time with purpose. It would be wise to keep your eyes on these toys as they set out to push up the value for your business with at an impressive rate.


The aim should be to sell toys like this not just to any buyer to puts his or her price forward, but to those people who are after the wonders of the past as they would have already known the worth of your vintage toys once they saw it and offered you some jaw dropping prices!

13. Sell What Sells Most.

I guess I’m helping you know what sells most in the markets especially if you encountered a phase where you were too lost to know what to sell from your vintage toys and collections. Do your research and sell what sells most!


If you have successfully done your research on the the value of your vintage toys in the markets and the fitting prices, you are going to want to do a second research on what sells most in the markets and then cross your fingers and bite your tongues as you pray deep inside that you have it.


If Luckily you’ve somehow hit the mark owning what sells the most in the markets, that’s great! If you haven’t, that’s okay, like I said, every vintage toy is valuable. 


Owning a nostalgic vintage toy with high demand in the markets means you are set in a part to making some good sale, but you should be very aware of the temptations and rivals that will come your way concerning that your vintage toys. You should  also not be pitiful to lose a valuable time at such a low cost it felt like to just gave it away for fun, neither be to greedy you want so much for it you end up with nothing but dust in your wallet

14. Sell From Popular Makers.

Selling from popular makers is like getting your songs sang and published by popular musicians, or having marketed their songs to the masses, without a sue on your head otherwise.


There way quite the number of vintage toy makers in the past years but out of these, a few stood out amongst the others with their toys that brought nostalgia and sales to the next level. Just ask any of your parents what toy makers were the most famous in the past and sm sure the will have a list for you, well except they weren’t into toys in their childhoods, but what child wasn’t into toys, even if they were into the strangest ones that brought questions to the mind.


Selling Vintage Toys from popular makers is a spiking step to make your business as probably these toy makers have already built up heavy and dedicated fan bases that would have a dive of their toys anytime in life. This would make your job easier as you would only have to market your vintage toys to the customers who are truly inspired by the makers. They probably would know all they need of about you toys at hand and they value they carry, and would be the one dropping the fitting prices for them first hand.

15. Patience.

Patience is needed in everything you do as it could save you from making a destructive decision that would ruin your life, career of family, but let’s forget about all that and focus on your vintage toys.


Havinv patience is essential when selling vintage toys  cause if your on edge that once you begin selling your vintage toys they would be sold out in days or weeks, then you are putting yourself up for a lot of disappointment.


Mostly, those selling vintage toys would have to wait weeks and months before they make their first sell, then who knows how long before the other one drops in. I am not saying its impossible to make good sales at quick points in the business, but you would have to be that lucky and I don’t know how much of lucky, to get that incoming traffic on your vintage toys, and mostly it would be affected by time, position, fame and credibility.


Just have it at the back of your mind that you are not in this to just start pumping in the cash and you are ready to wait, if you do get lucky and make fast and worth it sells, then great! But if you aren’t, don’t be dismayed, remember what they say bout future investments, you never know when it will come in Handy, at least it is worth getting out there.

16. Sort Your Toys.

You should already be aware of this, if you are going to school in the morning, lunch in the noon, party at night and lover’s home at dawn, then you are going to need to trash out that pile out clothes and get down to sorting.

Sorting through your toys helps you establish a based knowledge about what you own. It serves the purpose of help you set out what from what that way you can deploy your methods on what you are going to be selling and how.

Sorting is to any seller’s advantage cause if you were to sell your vintage toys without checking them out, you would probably pack a bunch of goodies with high value and price tags and sell it off for chicken change, and in a twist you would sell a bunch of less or non valued vintage toys for a lot of cash and once your customers realizes this, they would demand a refund claiming you cheated them, that’s why its good to have your vintage toys and collections sorted through for better based knowledge.

When sorting through your toys, there are some characteristics and profiles you want to SST apart from the others cause they have the biggest impact on the market sales, value and prominence. These toys should be carefully placed apart and regathered to make a best possible section of sorted toys to be sold collectively or individually to customers, bases on the value tags.

17. Match Your Toys.

I’ve talked about sorting with mostly deals with separating your categories into categories to evaluate value and for storage purposes, but now I want to touch down on match making, which is quite similar but different to sorting.


Maybe you remember me talking about collective collections of vintage toys which you probably didn’t understand. Well in order to make a collective collection, you are going to be able to make matches of your vintage toys.


This means putting together a set of toys from the same makers with a specific or particular theme.


What does that mean? We have never seen superman in a spiderman movie because the studios are different. And although it would sell co pletely well, it doesn’t show any potentials to actually happen. Still you would have notice ironman in a spiderman movie being that the studio is the same, now take a bunch of those super heroes in one studio and put them in one movie like Avengers, that’s a collective collection.


They have that same thing in common which connects them, or they have a theme surrounding the group. Putting together your vintage toys into collective collections makes them more valuable, especially if they are complete and especially if you sale them to a fan of the world known theme they represent.


So maybe you’ve sorted out your toys and you want to pick out the ones going up for sell first, try to get together that bunch with a theme or representation cause with all odds, they will sell in bulk.

18. Movable Toys Or Parts.

Another set of toys you want to get out there, they have the nostalgic energy on another level and would make the crowd cucu for you vintage toys.


Movable vintage toys or toys with parts and equipments here refers to those toys that come in boxes. They mostly are toys which sell on their own and not in collections having an appealing aura about it. They come colorful or with distantive figures but most importantly, they can do things with their body.


Some of them can make sounds and noises, others can move around and turn, others need manuel operations but can freely move parts of their bodies, and others come with assessories like guns and hats and other stuff.


These toys are of high value in the markets and would easily draw attention to itself especially if it’s out of find, so if some how you are lucky to bag this one, they should be the ones you are putting in your efforts to sell as they can bring in good income.

19. Grade Them. (AFA)

There really is not any better way to retail your vintage toys without getting the righfil professionals to lock down on this toys and detail out what its worth.


Getting a third party grading service to grade your vintage toys and set out its worth is like asking you maths teacher to score you test scripts so you can show them to your parents, the parents there would be considered to be your customers who are in search of something to buy.


These parties help give your vintage toys a stamp of it worth so you can be know just how good are your toys and how to market them to buyers, this prevents you from selling your vintage toys at a price too low or one too high.


It also serves better purposes of making you vintage toys and business look more legit, legal and mature to the customers most would prefer to do business with sensible minded people. So you want to put on that act that make you look like you know what you are selling.

20. Try Getting All The Parts Before Selling.

Stop! I know you would love to just get out there and get to work, probably the excitement is killing you and you can’t afford to wait any longer, well just stop yourself! Don’t be so hasty. Remember what I said anyway, that you would need a lot of Patience during this time of selling vintage toys? So you are going to want to be fully prepared for anything and fully prepared with everything.


The aim is to sell as much and sell with the best prices, so why not do whatever is necessary to improve your chances ta this? Just like condition adds to value, the set package adds as well! And who said condition only had to do with physical state of an object, it could also refer to other properties as well.


Toys that come with parts and equipments are very valuable, but if you want to lose all the value or at least half of it, you should try selling it in bits. These toys come in a set to increase the nostalgia of the vintage toys and are of massive value to the customer cause let us face it, who doesn’t want to have a complete set before buying a product?


With things looking up like this, you are certainly going to want to make sure you have every bit and part, equipment and assessory of a vintage toy set, once all this is complete in your possession, you can now fully benefit from the full package maximizing your profits of it.

21. Sell Toys In Their Original Boxes.

Like I said, you should aim for whatever it takes to help you maximaize your  profits and getting your vintage toys in best condition and complete package helps do just that.


Each vintage toy came in its own personalized package which usually exhibited informations concerning those toys.


Although it is very hard to actually get a vintage toy original boxes or packages, these little details tend to pull in profits for your vintage toys.


Most buyers require their toys in their original boxes before purchasing, and without these boxes they won’t buy the toys or would want a huge cut on the set prices for the toys.


This is why it is of huge importance to have all the original packaging for your vintage toys, or at least for those nostalgic ones that go up for sell alone. You should never underestimate the effect a single or simple fact can on your vintage toys cause you never know the mind of your buyers and what they are interested in.

22. Sell Toys With Their File Cards.

Now I have already specified that very little details can affect the worth of your vintage toys, and that it should carry all of it’s necessary parts right? We having the toy’s file cards attached to your vintage toys makes for a more mature presentation which would also draw in your customers.


You know that file or document or manual that comes with a every new item after you have purchased them? That one that contains all the the information about a product like how to use the item, where to put the item, where to operate from and other functional activities? Those ones over fifty percent of us don’t actually use? Well these are what the file cards are.


Take away a that mature statement and make it fun, and you would have a clear vision of what they look like. With the toy’s live image printed on it, it offers information about the certain toy at hand and how to play with the toy or what it can do.


Most vintage toys were not lucky to get these file cards, they rather just had their description writing on their packages and infact to be very precise, most vintage toys that carry these file cards with them were mostly action figures. Try attaching these cards, they help increase the price.

23. Sell Toy With BluePrints.

We are still surfing the waters on what makes your vintage toys more valuable and appealing to the customers out there and selling your vintage toys with it’d blueprints is another one of them.


So I know I already spoke about selling toys with file cards which acts like the manuals for new bought products right? But file cards are mostly made off action figures and not all other vintage toys. Now here I’m touch down on the blueprints which comes with some of the important toys you might find lying in your vintage toys and collections, the movable ones.


The movable toys as said offer a high level of nostalgia to your collection and on their own could make for a good sale on a good day. Most of these toys are accompanied by blueprints which aids the consumers know how to assemble the toys if needed, and so are very important to the pack.


Any vintage toy that needs assembling or requires some amount of technical working should carry a blueprint by it’s side as that could be a major turn off for a potential customer. With the blueprints, you assure your customers that they will have a guide handling such an incredible toy, and it would be more of fun and less of work for them. So when selling your vintage toys which require a lot of work to get it going, try attaching the needed blueprints to aid buyers and increase value of toy.

24. Sell The Toy's Parts.

We already know that each vintage toy is more valuable with their accompanied equipments, parts, blueprints and other stuff, and you know you are not the only one out there trying to make profits off selling their vintage toys, so why not twist the game in your favor? Every one wins in the end anyway.


Let’s say you happen to own more than one part of a particular toy, or maybe more than one equipments and you only have one of that toy which is already on sale for with it’s accompanying equipment. You are wondering what to do with the remaining parts and the dumpster has never looked like a much better place to visit before, stop. By doing that, you are willing throwing away good profits which you are going to regret once you find out what you’ve lost. You never know what you’ve lost until you’ve lost it.


Being that there are other vintage toy sellers out there who probably have their own toys but incomplete with it’s accompanying parts and equipments, and they know the hoops around this business and desperately need those parts and toys, why not put them up for sell for more income.


You could use this to your advantage to ucid out some good stuff from the Internet. Though this is a good recycled path which pays the check, I wouldn’t advice you got rid of every single part or equipment you have, especially if you are an all rounded vintage toy seller, then obviously you might come across that toy again and will require those parts and equipment to complete the pack.

25. Sell A Collective Collection Together.

Selling a collective collection together to increase your traffic and increase your profits, and don’t you pretend I didn’t specify what a collective collection is and if you don’t remember, you should probably start reading the article all over again. Got you.


A collective collection simply means a bunch of vintage toys with a specific theme. That’s a summarized description of it.


Already blaring the horn to make it’s value know having a theme that majority of the customers will understand or connect with. It would make for a perfect sale any day, any time.


Collective collections overall are easier to market because they already offer themselves to the customers with something tangible, and all you as the seller would have to do Is find the right words to market them. The right words sell so use them right.


Although these collections are usually known across countries and continents, finding the right set of customers is s necessary ordeal to make higher profits, getting your vintage toys sold the right time to the right people all falls upon your shoulders and if not handled well, you could lose everything to a bad sale eventually.

26. Use Search Sites.

Search sites here refers to sites that are designed with the purpose of help individuals like you and I gain information about our vintage toys and collections. I mean you want to know every single detail about the toy you have so why not use these which makes it way easier to find information than running around reading through books.


This sites offer themselves up as dictionaries but not for words as we already have that, but for you toys and collectibles, especially since your into vintage toys. 


They contain information about toys  which vary like the according parts and equipment that go with them, the needed accessories and blueprints, their time of make, worth and value.


These sites have the purpose of educating toy users about what they have but has been especially designed to aid the sellers to know how to sort or match their items and parts with the right toys.


You should not feel its of little use because if you knee the amount of equipment like the guns and similar stuff that where out there all looking like with only a slight difference, then you would understand why these sites are very important to the system.

27. Sell Rare Ones Alone.

They are called nostalgic vintage toys for a reason, selling them in a pack would be like selling you kidney’s in a box of gummy bears, or at least i t would carry the same theme.


Anything vintage that is out of stock or rare to find carries a massive weight of value on its back to which agents would be willing to pay your next ten months rent for. They are called rare because the company doesn’t make them and with it’s small numbers left, they are in high demand in the markets.


If luckily you managed to stumble upon one or more of these vintage toys in your pile of toys, you are going to want to dedicate most of your attention to them as they have the potentials to pull in the biggest profits amongst the pack.


Selling them individually makes for a good display of them cause in s customers mind, anything displayed and sold lonely would have carried the most out of it, and so by selling this toys individually, you are literally asking your buyers to pay more attention and cash for them. If its worth it, they will, if it isn’t, they won’t.

28. Sell Modern Toys Fast And Early.

Modern toys are not that valuable compared to the old vintage makes, and I am not being shady but they basically are just toys made for the kids to destroy as they please whereas most families would have the vintage nostalgic rare toys placed on shelves for display.


The modern world don’t make things they way they did in the past as the things keep changing quickly, and although they are companies producing remakes of vintage toys, they don’t have that same value as something which have lived since the time of the your grand parent’s school days.


This way of the markets has affected almost every section whereby olden makes of products are higher in stakes than modern ones, except the companies put in more effort to create something way more spectacular than what was being made in the olden days.


With this said, it is quite clear to see that vintage olden toys are of more value in the market than the modern ones, even with the modern ones looking somewhat more appealing with better designs and features. The way the market goes, the value of this toys will only get better and better over time but one should be careful how they stock up on these toys.


As have witnessed products rise and fall into oblivion in the markets so investors might want to know how to judge the chart for future outcomes, might save your business.

29. Use Pricing Guides And Books.

Name explainable, pricing books and guides saves you from making a huge mistake of over pricing a book or under pricing it, both ways it could hardly damage your profits and reputation so let’s try to avoid this outcome.


Pricing books and guides were quite essential in the past time as they offered flat prices for toys and collectibles, but with the ever changing tide, the use of these books became quite unethical. Buyers who mostly would buy things at the set prices would now be up to bargain prices, doing their own investigation on the toys they sort after.


As though these books aren’t as in use as of the past time, they are still very useful to you who plans on selling your vintage toys, this wau you can draw out your new prices for the toys having the based knowledge of what they sold for and comparing it to now of what it would sell for.


Just in case you didn’t get the gist if what these books actually do. They are pricing master with a list or budget showing the price tags attached to each and every toy made by a company for the buyers and retailers to know.

30. Place According Prices.

So now you’ve gotten yourself informed about the prices uses for these vintage toys, you’ve done your research on your vintage toys and now you want to place prices that match your vintage toys perfectly. Do it surely, but do it right.


Just like I said with the customizing, you should not add your own touch to the toys as we’ll as their prices. Maybe you think just a few dollars more won’t hurt anybody, and your right! It won’t hurt anybody, only your business.


After you’ve done all your research about a particular vintage toy and you want to decided on the prices, you should only give to it what is fitting. If you play greedy and place higher prices, you’ll probably get no traffic cause believe it or not, people are trying to make money not lose it ansnif they fell in the slightest that your prices are over the worth of your vintage toy, they won’t bother contacting you, and if they do and you refuse, you will lose them.


Same goes for lowering your prices beyond scape, I mean about 40% will be turned off thinking you are a scammer who doesn’t actually want to sell the toys but dupped them, and the remaining others will be more than happy to buy your vintage toys but who would it be affecting? You would have accumulated a lot on the loses and trust me, that doesn’t give sweet dreams if it even let’s you sleep at all.

31. Sell At Flat Prices.

I will be honest cause I want the best for you and your business but hiding the painful truth and making this all seem like a bed of roses or easy peasy would make me a bad informatory, if that made sense.


Most people will not see the value your vintage toys have as they are too busy attending to other things in their lives and would rather buy home furnitures and jewelry to toys. That’s what they view your valuable vintage toys as! Mere play things, and that is the type of customers you should avoid at all cost.


Selling your vintage toys at flat prices would mostly go for the rare toys that are out of stock and high in demand or has highest value as then people would be willing to do anything at that point to get them off your hands, if you were to sell your not so valuable toys with flat prices, you would have met yourself with a lot of pricy customers and rude ones unwilling to buy your products at those prices.


It would be best to be very picky with the toys you are putting up with flat prices, and also to watch out for contenders cause if they put up the same toys for sell with lower prices for negotiation, your odds at selling your vintage toys are slimmed.

32. Promotions.

If you are running a business of selling vintage toys and you want to get the best possible outcome from it, you are surely going to need to promote your business and this can also eat a lot of capital.


Promotion for your business is essential as it opens doors to you from places you never thought possible, they could be a very lucrative step that juices out income for you as you do spend on it, but everything as its pros as well its cons.


Promotion vary from heafty to lower budgets and seeing that you are just starting out, you might want to avoid the higher budgets. Promotions can also lead to increased traffic drawing attention towards tour business but the aim would be to not draw the wrong kind of attention.


Most promotions turn out to be a waste of time and money especially of the masses don’t react the way you thought they would, and that droughts the capital invested in your business.


You should not misunderstan me, I’m just listing out the one to many problems that could arise from a wrong planned promotion, but played well with the right target and you could be your way to making a lot of income.


My advice would be to be very careful when handling promotions, and to not hinder yourself by promoting only to the world near your feet, reach out to the outer nations and express your business in the most conventional way possible.

33. Offer Discounts.

The real truth about this tip, no matter how bad it might sound is to cage your customers up to yourself only.


Everyone of us loves free things, or st least most of us who aren’t bougee and all expensive, that doesn’t make you cheap, just appreciative. Imagining offering a free sale to your customers and somehow they believe it, they wouldn’t hold back! Unfortunately you aren’t a rich kid with lots of cash to waste so that is out of the budget but just because you can’t offer free sales like its a black Friday, doesn’t mean you can’t offer them something to replace that.


Giving your customers discounts not only increases the chances of actually keeping them coming back for more but also keep your pay check refills coming as well. They know they won’t find another seller who will offer them discounts on the daily when they buy vintage toys, and if you aren’t a bad business owner then why not buy from you only?


Its a system that works perfectly in attracting customers and locking them down, it probably would even work on you and you know it, so give it a try.

34. Compete.

Competition isn’t always the best way to live, it can pull your mind to dark places and that can affect your relatively healthy living, but if you had to and since we are aiming for the money, get up get on your manly boots and get ready to whip the asses out of your rivals.


Right now there are more than a thousand sellers out there on every platform getting their vintage toys advertised and only the best ones are chosen, you could stay there limiting yourself from progressing or knock out your competitors with a good punch.


You should have a back up plan set to over seed your rivals and should be able to evaluate your rival’s tactics, what they do to pull in the customers and how they are doing, from here, it can only get better.


You hit back with a better plan, be it presentation, assessories, descriptions, or maybe hired services. Whatever it takes, you must be willing and ready to take the long road to victory.


Not every challenge should be a blood bath, it can be fun as we’ll. You could even get to know your competition and ask for help or advice on how to progress, you could even progress together, all fun in games right.

35. Know Your Buyers.

You must remember when I said this, and I quote.

  “Most people will not see the value your vintage toys have as they are too busy attending to other things in their lives and would rather buy home furnitures and jewelry to toys. That’s what they view your valuable vintage toys as! Mere play things, and that is the type of customers you should avoid at all cost.”

Every single part of this is true.


Knowing why your buyers have come to you or what they plan on using your toys for can prevent you from making a huge mistake and selling off a high valued vintage toy for a lesser amount.


The types of buyers you would experience differ in many ways! Some are probably buying for play time or have some kind of fetish for them, others buy cause their children won’t rest about it, most will come as agents searching for olden valuables for display, many are left in your category and need the toys t resell and the few who wants them for who knows what.


Al this are types of buyers and each of them have their ranger of  money they are willing to spend on your vintage toys, one way or the other, figuring out the type of buyer you are dealing with can help you know how to play your cards.

36. Taste Of Buyers.

Now one think to figure out about your buyers Is their type and need. Buyer’s reasons for acquiring your vintage toys differ as we’ll as their taste. In most cases, they might find it rude that you asked about why they need your vintage toys but I certainly sure they wouldn’t if you aks them what they are looking for or they like.


It’s like wlaiing into a clothing store and walk around browsing through the shirts placed up for sale, to see if you find anything you like. Out of thin air there is this person in our way like they are about to assualt us but then they ask.

  “What are you looking for?” And you figure it out that they are only trying to help you.


Wherever you find you selling your vintage toys, try to find out the taste or what they are into, that way you can offer them that exactly and know how to discus prices with them.


It might be they contactes you concerning a particular product but you could tell from the type of buyer they were that that wasn’t what they were actually looking for, and just went for the best thing they could find. Offering them a choice that better suits their taste would save you from losing either the customer or capital from that sale. So the next time you want to engage in a conversion, start with offers and questions, but try not to make it look weird and all.

37. Deals To Discuss.

Let’s assume you have taken up my very beautiful ideas and now you have gained a customer willing to buy one of your vintage toys or the collection, or maybe a collective collection. The next most important thing to do is discuss the prices with this customer.


When discussing the prices for your vintage toys with your customers, there are some things you want to put into consideration.


After figurijg out the type of buyer you are dealing with, you probably have played out the amount you are sure this buyer will be willing to spend for you toys.


You would jugde off the vintage toy that is about to be sold using the information gotten about it. The price in the books, the value in the markets, the type of toy and how long it would last, will its value keep going up or depleting? Did that toy come with its complete tools and assessories? And much more. These information will enable draw out your price range in mind being fully aware your customer has their.


From these point you could all start bargaining the prices. You would evaluate the points between you and your customer’s prices and see if they draw closely, if they don’t! You could cut it off there or reevaluate on whether you would be making profits or losses if you agree to the customer’s prices. If you don’t like the results you are getting, you could always try advertising the best parts of your toys to your customers an if this still doesn’t work, then you are going to have to make the decision on what happens next.


But if the odds aren’t favoring you, I would advise you pull the plug on that one, believe that many more will come.

38. Meet Ups.

Hold your breaths and wait for it. Meet ups can be quite never racking, not only for introverts who don’t want to meet new people, but because it could also be the last time you leave your house.


I mean you about to meet a stranger you’ve never met before and don’t even know what to expect, you probably are just s random seller and the buyer is a scammer, rapist, murderer and the list goes on. There are things to avoid and must do when setting out to meet a stranger for business and any purposes, they are as listed.


Plan meetings in day time or  early hours. Never meet a stranger at late hours, there isn’t any reason you would want to meet a stranger in the late nights when the owls are out, unless you ran an illegal business, and even if you did, meeting a stranger at night makes it more suspicious.


Meet in public places. You may have escaped the night meetings but meeting in the middle of nowhere is even worst than meeting at night. Let your meetings be done to the open eyes around, that way if anything goes wrong, chances are you or the customers will be getting the beatings.


Don’t let your customers head off in any directions with your products without paying. I mean this is the easiest eway people get dupped. They claim they wanna pee, or want to show their boss, or what not. Sorry I can’t let you do that is your reply.


Be alert of your environment. Just because you got them in a safe spot doesn’t mean they can’t come at you later or have some bastards staring at you. Be alert, notice anything fishy, you abort mission, infact my advice would be to meet up close a police station. You never know what lurks in the dark.

39. Handling Rude Customers.

With evey type of buyer comes every type of fighter. I’m not kidding, some try to complain their way out of paying that much for a vintage toy, and you have got to be prepared for anything.


Handling rude customers also has its do’s and don’t’s, most of which are very comprehendable but I’ll just run down on it quickly.


Play the child. They will become aggressive and defensive, all you got to do is play dump and submissive but to a point, no going over the line with the touching or shading.


Try to understand what your customer’s point of view, and let them know you do.


Make a proposal. Now you probably are getting everything under control, unless the customer is a wild dog and not human. The next thing to do is make a solution to the situation, offer a good price or if it’s a sold item that wasn’t what was claimed, offer an exchange.


If no solution, fall back! If you’ve tried all you could but the customer won’t listen, then I don’t think that sell is for you and in order to avoid any more problems, iu should probably fall back from it all, another customer is on the way.


40. Think Twice.

I’ll be quick with this one, before you do anything or accept anything like prices from customer, think twice!


You might be caught up in a situation where you have to make a huge decision that will affect the business’s future, think twice!


Maybe you’ve been offered a partnership contract or what not, think twice!


You haven’t made any sales in a long long time and you want to give up and dive into something else, think twice!


Or maybe you heard about many people are making money sailing vintage toys and thought you should try out, think twice!


There are so many and it involves all the decisions to be made, little or small, think twice!


But most importantly, you’ve waited a while and finally found a buyer who offered you a price for a vintage toy, probably a nostalgic rare one, think twice! Think to yourself what would happen I yi sold this toy out now, could make a better sell from it late?


This decisions basically just needs to be reexamined to know if there could be a better  outcome, that way you don’t make any mistakes to regret later.

41. Hire An Auctioneer.

This is a tip to receive, I  would also be aiming this tip at introverts who find it have discuss prices, or maybe you just want to beat the odds and cut to the next level! Getting an auctioneer, a professional one; would do the trick.


Auctioneers serve the purpose of helping you advertise your vintage toys to the masses and they do in best situations. With a professional auctioneer on your side you could be looking at higher profits than most of what you make on the daily, you would find yourself having to do little while still  making income.


Getting an auctioneer, an mostly a professional increases you chances at sells but it comes at a price. Most auctioneers would have their percentages set out of what they are going to cut through from whatever is made in auction. After bidders have had it at each others throats and the price is won, you would have made already agreed on the payment amount, and depending on if the bid went well and pulled in profits, that’s all up to the auctioneer.


If you  are going to hire an auctioneer, make sure its a professional who knows the marker and what they are doing, they are expensive but at least they sell well.


Also, you probably will never get a better chance sell your vintage toys on such a renowned platform, so I would advise you display the best toys you have, go mad; go stupid.

42. Encourage Buyers.

Here is a simple promotion which doesn’t involves the use of money but will certainly bring traffic. Encourage your buyers to come again.


No matter the time of the sell, the place and the whatever, you should always encourage your buyers to buy again with a good smile on your face.


Encouraging buyers as simple as it sounds might actually pull the back. Who knows? It might just be the push you need.


You can also use this to evaluate your services towards buyers, which in turn will help you know what you are doing wrong and right.


You could just ask them about your services, or play it mild.

  “Thanks for buying, would you be buying any other thing soon?” Whatever comes nexts certifies what your reviews and results are.

  “Yeah, I surely will be back.”

  “Sorry, I don’t think I’ll be coming back.”

Cross fingers and hope to die.

43. Weight Determines Shipping Price.

The weight of your toys determines the type of shipping you are giving your clients, do it wrongly and that’s some good capital wasted.


Bigger or bulky loads require hefty packaging and shipping, smaller load requires a lesser one. Although many people have adopted very different prices and methods for shipping, there are ones which are mostly uses by toy shippers.


People tend to scale their good and use the weight measurement to determine the type of shipping. Smaller measurements gets first class and larger ones.

44. Think.

Think! As the name implies, what are you doing? You don’t really believe that I could possibly state out all the valuable information you need to knoe about shipping do you? Well if you do, you are so wrong.


Companies have only grown so  much to the empires today from where they started off by thinking out of the box, they infused some foreign knowledge into their business which today is the norm for things in the environments. There are so many things you could do to make your business stand out, all you have to do is think.


You could ask for advice from Friends and family, professionals and all the in between. They say the sky is your limit but beyond the sky is a world out there, galaxies upon galaxies so don’t settle. Think out the box, you can make your business whatever you want it to be with the right plan.

#2. How To Sort Vintage Toys.

45. Iconic Toys.

Iconic toys in the sense that only few won’t them. There are many Ways to sort through your vintage toys to bring out the best and worst of it all, and while sorting there basic characteristics you want to pay great attention to as they have the potential to help you achieve much better ranked sorted vintage toys.


Iconic toys here refers to those toys with the highest level of nostalgia, those ones that are unmistakeable by majority of the public. They probably came in on the markets out o no where and made it’s stamp selling in numerous sizes.


These toys would mostly closely link to lone toys that sell alone having that pull on the customer to bring profits, or maybe they would fall inline with collective collections which carry a world wide known theme.


If you do decided to sort out your toys to distinguish between what has the greatest potential to sell and what doesn’t, I  would advice you take a close look out for this set as they could drastically sell in bulk amounts and with ease.

46. Toys That Represents An ERA.

I made mention earlier that you should aim for selling older vintage toys has they one way or the other carry the highest value in the markets and would pull in traffic on your business with ease.


Toys that represents an era here doesn’t stray far from what I’ve tried to describe to you. They probably had their first appearance in the late 80s or early 90s, or in most cases, their they had been made during a time of public disruptions or political moves, and people do associate the toy with that particular movement.


Those would be the toys on my radar. They as said, carry immence impact both on the market and the masses, some might even conncect them with past events in their lives and this would in turn lead them to buy your vintage toys.


If you are Sorting through your vintage toys to set out the valuables from the others, I would advice you set out the ones with the oldest make out.


They would have very olden designs and artwork, or look nothing familiar with what you are used to today. Those are the toys that you should set apart from the others.

47. Toys That Represents A Character.

I’ve already stressed out intensively on what a collective collection being a set of vintage toys some connection what is widely known already by the masses, basically I’m breaking down this collection and eating it in bits.


Toys that represents a character are far beyond more appealing as they their representation serves half the purpose of advertising itself to the public of what they are and could be.


They would be better described in short terms as a spiderman vintage toy, or superman, a toy that carries the image or face of a widely loved character most popular to the masses.


Now sorting your toys into thse sections not only makes it easier for you to sell them quickly, but also gives you the advantage as majority of your buyers would appreciate a good vintage toy that that represents a character in a unique way. The toy may sport the characters favourite suit or battle gear, or may have a sound system inserted in it to say things the original character would say.


With this stressed out, you would have figured it out that in order to make more sells from these toys with a representation, then you might want to target the fan bases of the characters they represent, it would be easier to sell that way.

48. Color Wise.

It may be shocking to realize that a little feature such as color can affect the traffic that you get in your business concerning your vintage toys, but that’s what it is!

Not all colors will attract the customers especially if that color doesn’t suit the toy that wears it very well, or maybe the color has faded off the toys and now look like some messed figure.

Color is an essential feature of a toy that could do well to turn on customers or in the twist turn them off. If you were to deal with a toy representing a character who sports red and blue like the famous superman but rather your superman toys wears an odd mix of yellow and orange, your customers will hardly recognise what toy it is and the chances are, they want their superman in his original red and blue.

When comparing and contrasting about a collective collection, maybe the theme usually sports a mix of black and white like the star wars collection, some how yours took a twist sporting a mix of red and brown. Most of your customers would shade shallow attention on that set or would offer lower prices for them than you had already dropped, this is why the color of your toys actually matter, and in they don’t even have to be a collective collection to still lead the customers astray from them.

When sorting, try to choose out the best color representation in your vintage toys and collections, you could also male your own twist but highly advised to only do this with toys having no theme. You could match the toys bases on a color that sets them apart like gold of purple, that would make for a nice look and could quickly pick the attention of the customers.

49. Fragility Wise.

Now this is a sort out tip that is aimed at affecting the sales of the toys but rather aimed at stopping you from making a huge mistake when storing your vintage toys.


Not every toy is the same and not every toy has the same strength as the other, must toys would be thickened and designed to withstand huge amount of pressures and falls, while others are made weak and would crack from a fall knee length to the ground.


If you plan on still making profits of these toys then your are going to want to pay massive attention to those toys that aren’t built to take any kind of beating possible, I already stated that the condition of a vintage toy highly affects it’s worth and so getting your toys broken and mashed up before they even had the chance to reach the markets isn’t going to look well on your bank statements or resume.


Just do well to have these toys separated because the last thing you want is to have a bunch of broken dreams to broken sells.

50. Texture Wise.

Unless those vintage toys are made by the same company to fit the same purpose, then no two of any vintage toy had the same look, make or style.


They all come in different sizes, shapes, style, design and production packs. With these extensive production of vintage toys, it would be clear to understand that every toy on its own term would have based it’s look of something distant from another.


The touch and feel of each would offer something different to each customer as some might made of think plastic, soft plactic. Others might be furry, harsh, squeezable, tough, rigid, fluid, silk and all the possible feesl you can get from toys.


With this varying difference in each toy, you might want to separate them bases on what thy are to not put things out of other or where they belong. Be more precise with our vintage toys when sorting cuae  every little detail to add of take away from the you has the potential to affect it.


Once again, this is mostly a sorting tip that would affect a toy’s storage type and not value.

51. Toy Sizes.

Toy Sizes are a big deal when selling vintage toys, I mean you won’t sell a human shaped Vintage Toy the exact prize you would sell one the size of your finger! It affects both the value and the storage type.


Most times sellers make the mistake of leaving out the sizes in the descriptions of a vintage toy especially online which could be a reason to why the sales of that toy had turned out the way it is.


Probably the buyers saw your vintage toy but didn’t think it was worth the price as they only have an imagination in their heads of what the size could be, or maybe they were after a long size but since there isn’t any detail on thet, they had to search somewhere else.


Sorting your toys based on size and acquiring these Sizes would help minimize the problems that could be faced handling them. It prevents situations where by your larger toys sits on the smallest ones and crushes them, or your buyers are mistaken about the size of your toys and they end up abandoning them when they are just what they need.

52. Toys With Parts And Assessories.

Counting in production, there are several thousands of vintage toy parts made with each being specifically designed to fit a character or toy, and that some of your customers would want all together.


Some vintage toys come with more than just one or two parts and assessories amounting a number that seems hard to keep up with but in actual sense, it is not that hard with the right tools and search sites involved.


Bring that most customers want a complete set of your vintage toys or may not purchase them, you are going to want to pay strict attention to these detailing as you don’t want to mess up the order.


You are probably going to need a jotter with a pen and marker for this cause I can asure you, this takes hours of hard work and identification and with a slit mess up, you’ll be back to square on trying to fit the pods together.


The jotter to to write down what does with what for your vintage toys, and the marker with cleanable ink is for marking the toys with their parts in a numerical order.


Sorting these toys this way will surely avoid any situation of bad sales, and if a toys is in complete mint condition pack with every need valuable part and assessory, there is no joke about it when I say it will sell into the skies.

53. Conditions Of Toys.

If you haven’t learnt anything from this article, you probably have learned that condition affect the value tag of your vintage toys and if you still didn’t learn that, then you probably should restart reading all over again.


Conditions doesn’t only affects the value of vintage toys, they affect the value of evryr product marketed out there. Probably you’ve been met with a situation where you either on one of the both sides had to evaluate items for based off its condition.


Your toys are no exception to this way in the markets, customers will only buy your vintage toys at best possible prices if they are presented in best possible conditions, so this means that the condition of tout vintage toys acts like a balance scale to measure out your toy’s worth.


Having this information at the back of your head means you can now sort your vintage toys out into groups based on conditions. You have the capability to scale the value of each of your vintage toys and draw the line on possible outcomes for each, which in turn will aid selling properly.

54. Originals.

I am a hundred percent sure that we all will be amazed or rather would watch to see how the world begun compared to how it is going to end. The origin of everything is essential to the balance of life, market stock and capacity cause without a start there never would have been s today.


Same goes for the toys, I’ve already made it known that toys which have lives longer lives probably longer than your grand parents are most valuable, so it should be of any surprise that originals which obviously are toys with representation of an era should be carefully noted and placed apart from the others.


These days companies are producing remakes of a vintage toy to try and draw in sells but on way or the other, these toys are nothing compared to the original and first make of that toy.


The tides don’t always work the same, and if you were to sell a shirt made in the older days, you probably wouldn’t receive as much as you would selling a modern styled shirt, but the same differs for every product especially vintage toys.



When sorting out, be sure to pick out those toys that have the scent of being made in the dusty days out from the others. You should be able to differetiate between an original and remake, or just do your research on them, I’m most certain you will find out about something to help you differentiate.

#3. How To Sell Vintage Toys.

55. Start A Business.

We have finally concluded on sorting tips and other information you need to know about selling vintage toys, but the main aim of this article is to guide you on all you need to know about selling vintage toys, and it would be incomplete if I didn’t lend you some tips on where and how to sell your vintage toys.


Start a business, this would deal with building a platform for yourself in order to market your goods and serve a name to customers are a business. 


Starting a business is an advice I would offer to those you who are long term investors and not in it for the quick money, probably because you just discovered a box of your old toys hidden in the basement.


Once you’ve established a business, you can move forward into applying most techniques and skills done by many people to acquire sales on their products and services.


I would also like to add the consideration of not just building up a business centered only around vintage toys, even do this article’s focus is that. I would advice you your business focus to be based on buying and selling of valuable collectibles.


The vintage toys are valuable owns but they still fall under collectibles and by making this the focus of your business, you widen your chances at good sales and extended customers attention.

56. Start A Website.

These days it is like a norm to own a website for your business, its effective, draws easy attention and makes for easy promotion and advertisements when published on google and other network site.


Starting a website is a very lucrative step for your business as it enables the customers all the information about your business without having to bother you, but there many points to look out for that could easily ruin your goal.


Firstly your business website needs to reflect what your business is all about and what you are offering to them. It could compose the imagery of each and every vintage toy you are offering the customers classified and grouped.


You website should also be easy to access and carry suiting themes or design that wouldn’t put the customers in confusion when using your website.


It should contain false information or copyrighted information and items you have got no right to.


There are many more details to watch out for when working on your business websites but you should be able to figure this facts and processes on your own.

57. Start A YouTube Channel.

YouTube is in season with every body trying to get a piece of that YouTube revenue, and since you actually have a theme that people struggle to get, why not start one?


YouTube iif you don’t already know, is a video publishing platforms with tons of videos based on different topics, the creators of YouTube themselves don’t post on the channel but rather give you and I the opportunity do so and make income while at it. Your chances though on making income depends on your views and subscribers so you might want to stack up on them.


If you do decide to start a YouTube channel as that would be a good idea,  please don’t kick it off with advertisements of your vintage toys for sell, I men’s it could work but that is a luck on another level.


YouTube was created with the aim of entertaining and impacting the masses with knowledge so that’s want most of the masses on there are after, fun contents making you advertisements an oppression call.


Try making contents that entertain and have connections to vintage toys, and try growing your channel first to the heights, after you have somehow made that work, you can now request sales from your subscribers.

58. Advertise Your Business With Hardware.

By hardware I’m referring to anything tangible that let’s the customers read and feel what is written down on the object.


This could be advertisements done using papers, flyers, magazines, bill boards, posters, business cards and so much more, you name it.


Promoting your business by hardware gives customers or individuals who has never heard of you you and your dealings a firm example of what you do, and how they can reach out to you if needed.


They should be plain with the message yet carry a definite tone and theme that suits selling of vintage toys and will appeal go the audience your aiming at.


Promotion can be useful but can also lead yo very harmful disadvantages. It could come off as offensive or unethical, it could be shunned or misleading, misunderstanding and very vague with details.


Whenever you actually think about advertising your business in this methods, do make sure that all the necessary information has been reexamined by you and can be fully understood by the masses. The last thing you want is to make a bad first impression on your crowd.

59. Sell At Garage Sells.

The majority of us knows what a garage sell is and how its done, it basically getting out all the stuff you don’t find useful anymore and trying to make cash off it on a sunny day.


Garage sells are a good start for displaying your vintage toys to the public without having to spend much or anything on advertisements.


If you had to hold a garage sells, you probably would have invited people living in your neighborhood and neighboring hoods over to check out your sales, called friends and family over as well.


Although garage sells are of good purpose and can freely highlight your sweet collections of vintage toys, you shouldn’t be expecting to make a buck load of cash from them.


There are in all way very lucrative and useful, but most of the audience you would be getting from these gatherings would be averaged people in living who aren’t always wiling to spend so much on your vintage toys. The highest you would be looking at from these sells would fall out around a few notes, only a miracle would make a person spend so much on it.


Seeing that your vintage toys may not get the best sales from a garage sell, you may want to avoid display your best toys, so not not to lose them at so little amounts when they are worth more. Most of your vintage toys displayed at such gatherings should fall between the low to average collections and notthing more, you could try your best toys but I would not advice accepting the first price you get for them, remember to think twice.

60. Sell At Yard Sells.

Yard sells is just an alternative to selling at garage sells. It is like taking what one person did  and making it even bigger and better.


Yard sells comprises of a long line of cultivated sellers displaying their goods for you or customers to make their selections. The sellers vary from various places around a region but all at once come together to create this enthusiastic market environment. Its like a garage sell but on a large scale.


This type of sell is very useful to you as it offers you a wider range of audience who doesn’t happen to just be passing by like in a garage sell, and decided to check out your items and see if they could get off with something they like from the little cshs in their hands.


Here buyers have been drawn to this place with the major aim of buying something and will definitely take more money with them than on a usual day.


If you do decide to try out this sales, it would be of great use to you and your income change as you stand a chance of actually selling your vintage toys for good cash.


With the increased number of people showing up at a yard sell, you are enabled to display all your toys from the least valuable to the most profitable, but do remember to think twice before agreeing on a price with your customers.

61. Sell To Local Collectibles Stores.

I mean, vintage toys can be classified under collectibles as must people value them to much to play with them like your average toys so why not?


Sell your vintage toys to local collectible stores in your environment, its a resourceful way to make good gain. These stores would offer you a too disposal option for must of your toys but not all of it as they are mostly in search of mature appealing items that will actually sell.


They would have evaluated your vintage toys to know its worth or maybe asked you questions about them, but in the end, if you may or may not be impressed with the price tags given.


These stores like you are also selling off items and unlike you, they probably have a dealing who fishes out this things for them. So as you may have guessed, they would only need your valuables and a prices which could go round to return income for them as well. So when selling to this stores, keep that in mind.

62. Sell To Toy Dealers.

So your toys can be classified into collectibles, so your sell them to collectibles toy shops. They are as well toys in which many people would rather just play with, why not sell them to toy dealers as well?


Selling your vintage toys to toy dealers is a good and bad decision depending on the you dealers your selling to. Sometimes you might meet a lucky one and make a heavy score on the pay checks but in other cases, you may fall prey to bad ones who wouldn’t pay so much for your toys without regard to it’s worth.


There are various tyepes of toy dealers out there you could sell to, but an honest advice I would give you would be to be picky with these dealers. If they can’t price your toys well, then they probably don’t deserve it, and if they do then don’t miss that opportunity.


The good thing about this shops and dealers anyway, is that they can offer to buy off all the vintage toys from your hands. From the most valuable to the least! And this could come in handy for those who ate in it for quick money, especially if it’s needed quickly.


63. Sell To Family And Friends And Friends Of Friends.

Sell to family members, sell to friends and even the friends of those friends! I mean if it’s Christmas then don’t hold back.


Family and friends are the last place you want to consider if you are out of make huge cash, they just won’t spend that money on your head for whatever reason, they are just like that. Unless you have some like crazy rich relative, but you know how this family thing goes and you probably would have died out from all the teasing.


Although they aren’t really the money spending machines, they can be still good some getting some chicken change, its not much but its a start.


You could always just give it to them like a treat of gift, I mean they are family and although they don’t give you money, their love and support will go a much longer way in your livelihood so think about it.


Since you won’t be making much or any money from this advice, a sub advice would be to aim at letting out your middle but mostly lower grade vintage toys. It doesn’t in any way mean you don’t love them, no! Not at all. It just means you are saving the best for tomorrow, and you are a savy business man.

64. Sell To Agents.

This is an actual great tip you want to get closer, hold your ears out and listen, or maybe just keep reading for all’s sake.


Somewhere above in this article, I made mention of agents who are continually scavenging for valuable items and antiques to buy, and I could bet on anything that if you own something worth looking at, you will probably get quite a lot for it from these agents. They would be more than a best choice to have them buy your vintage toys, if you find them?


These days it’s not that easy to get in touch with an agent as the majority was flocking to them and now they must run secluded duties. You could search them up, that being an option, but you wouldn’t easily get in touch with them.


These agents are a good choice with the facts that they buy what your have if valuable for the worthy prices, which means you don’t have to hold back on them. You could display your best vintage toys proudly and have them sold for a worthy price.

65. Sell At Kid's Gatherings.

Kids love toys, they eat their parents up if they don’t get them toys and I mean by their never ending crying, and most parents can’t refuse this little dumplings so why not use that to your advantage.


There are many kid’s gatherings you could attend to make some good sales. They vary from parties to birthdays and all other ones, you think of it.


You are going to want to be in place with your toy collections being displayed for their picks and wait for the outcome, even if the parents don’t find your collections appealing, you can rest assured their kids will.


Can I just mention that you should only aim for Kid’s gatherings that you are sure would have parents around them. Children won’t buy your toys, all they will do I beg you till you can’t handle it no more and dash it out to them. That’s a noble deed based on human knowledge but based on business knowledge, that’s a fowl move.


66. Antique Roadshow Type Venues.

Ever experienced a situation where you are walking down the street and you come across a bunch of people all gathered in a particular spot. You move in closer to see what is happening and get a glimpes of market wise transaction taking place between two people in a very different way while the other watch. There seems to be one who is detailing out a product offered by another person, the person describes the product’s possible past and value and in the end offers the other person a price for the item in matter based of it’s worth. It’s then up to the driver to decided whether he or she accepts the price?


That’s what I mean by an antique roadshow venue, basically those agents you were looking for comes to you, and this one is a big hit so you might want to pay attention.


In this type of venue, an agent searches for people with valuable items they would like to get off their backs, evaluates and offers a fitting price to the customer in the witness of many others. Anyone who has a valuable item could easily sell them on these venues.


That’s the click! You own a valuable vintage toy or maybe a bunch of valuable vintage toys, and you want to make chas off them, well then why not display your vintage toys at these gatherings.


The odds are in your favour as these agents are here to pay suiting prices, if couldn’t get any better than this, or maybe it could.


You want to display your best of  best cuse you might never find opportunity like this, and even after the item I’d sold, it would not hurt to get in contact with the agent and exchange numbers just in case you come across any extremely valuable items in the near future.

67. Auctions.

If you hired an auctioneer, you might as well get your vintage toys sold at auctions, or at least that’s what I would expect you to do.


Auctions make for very sufficient sells while doing you a huge one by advertising your products to the masses.


Most auctions are said to pull in income of thousands of dollars for just one valuable item, now times that by the number of items they have placed up for bids in the market.


If you are auction your vintage toys for sell, do this with consideration to the most valuable stock you have cause no one wants to waste hours upon hours bidding for a low valued or worthless toy.


You auction pick for your bid affects the amount and kind of patronage you will get so make sure you are aiming for the best ones possible.

68. Sell Online To Collectibles And Toy Stores.

Remember when I said that all businesses have websites used to advertise their products and services, and these website usually carry a specific theme or category they specialize in? And then again in this part of the article, I mentioned toy dealers and collectible stores as an option for selling? Well now do you see the connection.


Most of these stores and dealers may reject your vintage toys for some reason or the other. Too invaluable or too high of cost. And in some cases you might not even be lucky enough to have access to these stores around you, you might want to think smart and out of the box.


Searching online for these toy dealers and collectibles shops can help you access way more numbers of them than you thought you would find, and if you hit up the right one, they might be willing to buy your toys.


You should be careful about who you deal with online and does shops you contact as some of them may not be creditable and are fakes. You should be smart when surfing the internet for your needs as you don’t want to stumble upon the wrong one.

69. Sell On Craigslist.

Most of you are already familiar with what Craigslist is, its an online platform set for the purpose of engaging in business endorsements and stuff like that. Although the quite popular site and can help you juice out some good profits for your business, it is also a quite picky site that would mostly favor you based of your location.


People who are in search of items tend to search them up on Craigslist by putting up ads asking asking for their specific wants and this could be most useful especially if you were to find a buyer in search of vintage toys. You could contact them and have the the business done and concluded in sharp turns.


Another way you could juice yourself some valuable items on Craigslist list is taking a twist with the ads. Instead of putting up ads asking for your needs, you would rather put them up asking buyers to buy your vintage toys. Its a good way ti advertise your business and vintage toys, even though most of your sales would be inner ranges and not outter space from your state.

70. Sell On Etsy.

Selling on etsy is another very lucrative way to juice out good profits.


Etsy is an online platform which serves the purpose of marketing goods back and forth between buyers and sellers. Its not the most famous platform there is but if has gotten my attention and earned its spot on this list with it’s wide spread customers and enlisting.


Those who already know etsy would say that this platform isn’t one for selling goods which have been made in companies and they would be right, etsy is mostly a platform for selling handcrafted and homemade goods and though these doesn’t fit quite in with the categories of vintage toys, its stills place people are gaining some numbers of sells on their vintage toys.


With its inbuilt services aimed at helping you advertise your products and ever growing customer engagements, your vintage toys are then placed in a rotation flow off attention and capital, if you do it right!

71. Sell On EBay.

EBay is a popular marketimg site known and used by many over years to advertise and sell their products online to its ever growing users. It is a platform with various opic range on all you could buy and sell, that if you have found a way to pay of your fees. The platform comes with an amount of fees to be paid to enable you to access its perfectly designed diagram for marketing purposes, but many have not got that so they skip.


If you are willing to take up your vintage toys to into the next level and have them put up for sale on eBay, and you are ready to pay of the platform’s fees, then great!


This platform known amongst many other platforms opens up many doors and opportunities to have your vintage toys marketed to the masses in the best way possible.


Many have figured out the hoops and loops of this online platform forms and how to make sales quick or drive in imence traffic, and you don’t need to worry cause my job here is to help you navigate al this.


Just keep in mind the most used or highly engaged platforms as they tend to pull in the most traffic on your goods, and if you are willing to pay for more, you will certainly her more.

72. Sell On Amazon.

So basically I’m listing out all the best places you could have your vintage toys marketed and there is in no way Amazon would not make the list.


Amazon just like eBay, is a marketing site which offers you the best possible experience created by man as of recent years to have your vintage toys or other products marketed.


It is equipped with things similar to ebay and other marketing platforms and what Sets this platforms aside would be the themes they carry, and name of cause.


I know you are probably wondering which platform is way better compared to the others and your question is very interesting. Which platform sets out to sell the most of your products or which will provide the highest traffic.


Well presently many people use eBay for selling their toys but there isn’t or hasn’t been any drawn results on which one is better, so you male your choice.

73. Sell On Facebook.

Facebook. You probably got stunned by this one right? I know, it doesn’t seem like the kind of place to sell your vintage toys, but before you jump to conclusion you might want to watch out for karma.


Social media was originally made as a platform to connect people but your can’t deny that is has involved into something else.


People work on there, compete on there, connect, and most importantly sell. Social media is highly becoming one of the most fluid network in the world, if not the best.


People are constantly trying to improve their business on the network and in most cases it work for them.


There are many people and businesses, like the beginners who can’t afford to pay the fees demanded by these Marketing sites and so they go for the next best option, social medid.


Facebook offers something which if you look at it from a good point of view, serves as a business page. Yes I’m talking about the normal pages, Wait! I think that was basically what it was in the first place.


Anyway, Facebook offers you two types of accounts for creation, one for your personal life and Friends and another for your business.


These pages can attract masses being quite weighty on Facebook, to your business dealings but that would require a lot of advertisements which involves capital.


Ones you have successfully grown a page with dedicated followers or likes, then you could leave links to your website where most of your toys have been displayed for buying.

74. Sell On Instagram.

Selling on Instagram is like your teacher asking you to read your speech in front of the class for extra credits, and you are 100% sure you came prepares for this.


There are tons of businesses on Instagram trying to gain attention on the platform by advertising their services, and this new way of business dealing is very lucrative and works like a charm.


Instagram has its already inbuilt users which are the targets for most business owners as they try to turn those users into customers, and this should be your aim too.


There are a lot of procedures to consider when creating an Instagram account that will help you establish a successful popular and well engaged account, which will pull in traffic for your vintage toys and in turn can drive income into your bank accounts.


I won’t be touching down on this in this yet as I already have a section set to hell me fully convey the message. Many have tried but you can testify that not all the businesses are successful on social and it would not be a surprise. With so many engagement, Instagram can only offer up the best content or profiles to customers to enable it as a business of its own grow, so stick along as I will soon be talking about that.

75. Sell On Other Social Platforms.

I only did you the favor of placing out the most engaged and favorable social platforms used by many to enhance their business proceedings, yours being to sell vintage toys, which hopefully are of value.


There are many other platforms out there ready at your finger tips offering themselves at your service, and you should never underestimate the capability of a these platforms that haven’t reached the heights of the mentioned ones. They can as well be of great advantage.


They still have their own level and engagement and though not as high compared to the other sites, they can still have your vintage toys marketed to the masses.


Most of these platforms can be interlinked to one and another and that would be of great use to you. It makes it easier to transfer listed or uploaded product’s information to another platform with out having to do so much.

76. Sell On Other Marketing sites.

Selling to other marketing sites as would you do on other social media platforms, there isn’t a possible chance your products won’t get trafficked if you were to spread your hands into these many places.


Marketing sites are split into categories, most for a specific type of service or products but they all have one thing in common, they get your products marketed to the best of buyers on their platform.


It dosent matter if the level of engagement is not as high as on the other platforms, they still hold the same value one way or the other. They have the potential to help you connect with an already established line of customers willing to pay certain amounts for your products and they would be of great use to your business.


Don’t hold back on any of these platformsz they all are useful to you and if you think about it. The shorter the amount on a platform the shorter the competition, the shorter the competition, the longer the chances of actually making sales. I should know, it takes one customer to make a huge sale.

77. Online Auctions.

So this is an idea not everybody has figured out but if you come a little closer, I can whisper it into your ears. I’m kidding, you are probably to far away from where I inside the article.


We all know how auctions work now, you set out your valuable items and they get bid for until a winner arises at the top. What if I told you that you could incorporate this  into your vintage toys without having to pay for the auction services or do it own your own? Maybe its being done and you don’t have s clue about it.


We will need a website designed specifically for bidding, a situation where individuals would have to bid online alone.


Once you have the website made for bidding, you will need one or two or more of your vintage toys but the most valuable of them that you are sure would go for thousands of dollars.


The next is advertisements, getting people to know about your incoming bid program done online inwhich all the customers would have to go is login. Make sure the toy you Ade using to promote this bid program is of high worth as we aim to gain as much income as possible. Reahc out to agents, organizations and every single personnel you know would have a thing for you toy.


Ond the set date, you would only have to put up the prize to be bidded online from your homes and the winner will get contacted after there is a winner.


All this would be done with little capital spent and even less effort. You contact your winners and from there discuss the details of your products.

78. Online Ads.

We all have experienced that moment when we are looking up are screen while using the internet, or watching a video on YouTube and when the good part is about to take place, BAM! And ad interrupted the show. You probably want to pull out the TV and fling it out of the window, well stop yourself. Now you know it is just how people make things work.


Making online ads and having them displayed on majority of the channels and platforms out there is a very efficient way to advertise your vintage toys for sell and pull in traffic on them.


Forget the ones who don’t want to see your annoying ads, many people online loom forward to seeing them, or will appreciate them especially if they had their interests in vintage toys already.


You should try making ads that will be very informative yet fun for the audience watching them, and it would be best to make your ads clickable incase a customer actually wants to check out your vintage toys in sight.

79. Bread For Butter.

Not every transaction or business dealing with your vintage toys should be for the gain or money, sometimes it would be better to invest in something else to make profit. To be more clear and explanative.


Imagine you had a bunch of bread slaps used to make a burger, no ketchup or mustard or beef or pork or sausage or cabbage or tomatoes, or what not! Just plain old bread slaps. How do you plan on making anything good from that, and probably you want to sell it out. You would probably gain less amounts for it.


But what if there was someone out there who had ketchup, another with meat, and another with tomatoes, and another with cabbage and so on. And you approach each of these people and you exchange your yummies, one set for one set. By the time you would be done, you probably had already garnered yourself a whole yummy looking burge which would have more impact both in the body and on sell.


With that am sure you got to understand what I meant, exchanging parts of toys or toys with others who needs them and getting what you need in return.


That would do well to make your collections complete especially if we are dealing with a collective collection, and would be increase the value of your set vintage toys.

#4. How To Sell Vintage Toys Online.

80. Create The Theme For Your Shop.

Every page or account or network on either both of online platforms have an incorporated theme that sets them apart front the others.


It is done this way to help distinguish them from rivalling pages and assist customers infiguring out whether their pages are what they were looking for.


A page with a missleading face it theme will totally throw off your customers from your scent. It will only disadvantage you as you lower your chances at a revolving traffic.


Before creating a page online, you are going to want to pay attention to what your make of it. What first impression is it going to give your customers once they some across it? Will they stay or leave?


Most of the information you want to pay attention to is the name of the page, the look or design, the attached assessories.


I would advise you use the name giving to your business as you probably made that with the vintage toys as an aim in mind.


Your theme should let customers know that they have come across a page specializing in selling vintage toys and so on. 


The pictures used should relate to vintage toys or be of vintage toys only. With these theme, you are letting your potential customers know they have come to the right place.


81. Use Best Pictures.

Let’s assume you have successfully convinced the customers that they have found the right page for buying vintage toys, or given the a great first impression. You are going to want to keep them on that page much longer than a few seconds.


It is not crazy to think that people would rather have a limited perfect set of great fashionable looking clothes than a bunch of worn out materials or rags that looks like they’ve seen better days and honestly there are other people out there trying their best to outmatch others in the market so you have to out in the work.


Using best pictures with perfect angles and sharp imagery is a must for your pages. You want to stand out from trh others and keep majority of the traffic revolving round yur business so why not out in the effort.


Most customers would judge your vintage toys based of the pictures and nothing else, they would assume that looks of the toys in the pictures is probably what they look like in reality so this is more like Must not miss for you.


When taking pictures of your vintage toys, make sure to highlight those issues with the toys. I know you are trying to make the best out of the situation but trust me, it could only back fire on you other than lift you.

82. Use Best Titles.

Use best but mature titles to describe your vintage toys.


There are some words to use in detailing vintage toys and others not to, and the line is quite thing so people seem to miss it.


Your words are the money makers but misuse them and they will turn into your worst nightmares.


Descriptions with over exaggerating words like “Over the best! Exciting! You life saver!” Although would fool a newbie in the game, would not appeal or have little effects on the person at hand.


When making your titles, forget all those fantasizing words and focus on the main deal. Be straight and plain with them. Detail out what they do and don’t, what they have and don’t.


These are the first inquiry a customer would make first about your vintage toys before moving to the descriptions, and if this titles are well stated, it will pulse the customers to carry on reading.

83. Use Best Descriptions.

Now you have gotten past the first two test, probably now the customers is debating with themselves whether they want your vintage toys or not.


Your descriptions like the titles should come out clear and plain, no twist and turns, no razzle dazzle, be clear with your vintage toys.


Avoid making the mistake of including false information about the toy maybe for the purpose of getting sells, you make it seem like a God when it is basically just a servant. Even if you do sell the toy, the angry customer with a reason would come back at you requesting a refund or leaving a bad review.


In the description, make sure you space out all the problems with the toys without twist.

84. Use Useful Tags.

Most platforms lild Instagra, and not only social media but marketing sites too offer users, Buyers and sellers the option of tags.


Tags come in handy in enabling a customer search for their needed products and finding, while buyers could use them to tag their products like our vintage toys to make them easier to be found.


If you decide on using hash tags as they would highly help increase the traffic of your vintage toys, try to use tags related to your vintage toys and most engaged with.


There are many but only a few have the highest engagements to which majority of the buyers will use to fish out the products they want.

85. Use Keywords.

Keywords like the tags offer customers easy search progress on marketing platforms. Most platforms have only hash tags, others keywords and some both to serve a better purpose.


Keywords are quite essential as they can assist the sellers advertised their products or place them in the fitting categories so they don’t get mixed up with the others.


They are mostly placed under the descriptions of products for sell or request at the building of your page to help set the focus’s of the page.


Before using any keyword, you should have your research done about which keywords are most important to the system and which makes for better ssales

86. Personal Memory.

Personal memory here is actually a very sweet which can help you give that potential customers the final kick they need to buy your toys.


This includes adding to your descriptions of the vintage toys a heartfelt moment you experienced with the toy.


You should only Mention that one special moment and not go on a blast listing all the memories you had as that you destroy the flair of it all.


Be clean and quick with it as you try to connect with the customer and send them into a time loop of your experience.

87. Check The Pricing Listings For Your Toys.

This would play in handy when you want to set the prices for your toys.


Before placing prices for your toys on any of these platforms, you are going to want to look up the set prices for your set of toys on that platform.


You don’t want your toys to be too costly or not costly enough you sns up on the loosing end.


After you have evaluated all the toys in a similar category to the one in question, you are going to be able to give it a fitting price that won’t be beyond it’s standard or lower.


You should keep your eyes on the conditions of the toys in question compared to yours as you already know that condition affects value.

88. Including Measurements Of Toys.

Including measurements of toys is a very big mistake many make as I’ve heard one to many problems arise from this.


It is a part of the description but needed its own emphasis. A customer can only get so much detail about your vintage toys from the pictures and so reads through the descriptions to get more.


If you leave out an important fact such as measurements, you are basically creating more problems as the customer will have something to say.


Try placing pictures of the toys with rulers besides them to display it’s length, that makes for a better planned business dealing.

89. Offer International Shipping.

If you are going to take your business off the streets and online, then it probably because you want to garner as much possible attention as you much


Not all your buyers will live in the same geographical area as you do, and most of them would still be interested in having your toys so male sure you are ready to all your customers, no matter the situation.


Offer to them shipping services that expands far past the Pacific, and once you do that, live up to it by actually shipping their goods to wherever and whenever.

90. Make Categories On Your Shops.

Many of these platforms make it easier for you to fully sort and match your toys, in order to make way for s better search experience for your customers.


If you had you vintage toys matched in groups and would like them displayed on those groups, then I would advise you  make categories of the groups.


This way of selling helps your customers pin point down what they are after before contracting you and would save both of you a lot of stress.


Make sure your categories are legit and mature with definite themes or looks, as that would be the use of splitting them and would useless in any other way.

91. Pack Well.

Packing your toys before shipping it out determines what condition it is going to reach the customer so I would Advise you to pack them well.


Your toys are going to be out in the wild and may experience harsh conditions, since you know that there is a possibility of this happening, you should do what you can to prevent it.


Remember that condition affects value, and just because you have sold out your toys already doesn’t mean things can’t go utterly wrong. Try to lessen the chances of getting attacked later by your customers.


Pack the toys in ways that they do not shift or shake, they are not too exposed or under exposed. Once its gone, its gone and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

92. Ship Well.

Now you’ve probably made a secure and firm packaging for your vintage toys, or should I say for your customer’s vintage toys.


The next phase would be to ship them and just like pack can affect the toys, shipping can most definitely.


Shipping should be done only with a trust  worthy personnel or shipping company who have garnered themselves a lot of praises and high reviews.


They should be able to provide you with an insurance or assurance that your goods will be safely delivered to your customers.


You should also be able to track the progress of your goods to from where it left to where it had been.


Don’t be mistaken to think that problems can’t still come your way if the company messes up the ship.

93. Thank You Note Or Sticker.

Thank you notes can be attached to your vintage toy package when being sent off to your customers to let them know you appreciate their patronage.


You could also specify that you would like them to buy more to get them hooked yo your business.


Or you could attach a sticker to make for a little nice gesture.


If you do decide to use this notes, do be careful not to make a mistake and give your notes a tone or manner that comes off as unappealing or sensually provoking. That would be a mess as it could stop that customer from buying your products. Every single thing has it’s pros and cons, remember that.

#5. Vintage Toys Worth A Lot.

94. Moon Shoes.

Being first made in 1950s and enjoying a long run of success to the 1990s, Moon shoes was originally made for adults but in due time was geared down for children.


They were made with the aim of mimicking the feeling of what it would feel like to walk on the moon.


People thought they were weird but loved the thrill it gave them all jumping up and down on on the trampoline attached under the shoes.


The shoes still carry value being able to sell for $200 in vintage.

95. View Master.

View master had it first make in 1939, and was gave quite a nostalgic feeling to parents and children who used them.


They where offered a sight seeing at many varying places, animals and wonders of earth through their binoculars and could be easily changed to view the next picture.


In vintage these toys have an impressive price of $430.

96. Toy Story Toys.

With a Strong representation of those characters most of us grew up loving, the toy story toys were a big hit in the day.


Most characters like the major cowboy and captain toys sold at a range of $500 to $650. But more surprisingly, lesser figures from the movies like the villains had gotten way higher sell prices such as $700.

97. Jurassic Park Toys.

This being another toys representing a highly recognized movie franchise with massive and dedicated fan bases.


They left the markets begging for more accumulatinf sell over $800 to $900 for various vintage toy characters and dinosaurs.

98. My Little Pony Dolls.

The cute and widely recognized ponies having sold 150 million ponies in the USA, is a high statue that would make any rich of they got lucky enough to have a vintage collection.


It its varying looks, this ponies could sell at an exciting price of $900 for each.

99. Power Rangers.

If this age has taught us anything, it’s that movies are not going to leave the markets anytime soon.


The power ranger toy collection had been based of a strong representation of the internationally known and marketed super team, power rangers!


Its toys had sold for a worth of $350 million in the USA, and in our present day, these toys would go for an amazing price of $1,400 each, especially for a red ranger.

100. Polly Pocket.

Polly Pocket set are a bunch of tiny finger size toys which were extremely popular in past. They came in all themes you good think of from mermaids, fairies and so one.


You be surprised to know that these toys in vintage could sell for  buck load of cash with a price tag like $1,926.

101. Transformers Action Figures.

There are so many toys to touch down on but i’ll stop here and let you enjoy the search.


With a representation of a bunch of alien tech robots who can transform into cars, the transformers action figures are of one of the most highest values I’ve since being about to flip for $2000 in vintage.



And like that we have come to our conclusion about the 101 ways to sell your vintage toys. I hops it was as impacting and inspirig as it was for and I wish you all the best as I want to see you excel in your business dealings.


Before you run off why not check out more articles here on DylanComicsUniverse? It is fun, engaging and educating, and while your at it, why not give out a big shout out to the owner of this website who took his passion and turned it into a business.


Dylan Schwartz.


And see you guys in the next article.